Sep 24, 2007

best idea i've had in a while (and it was actually jessica's):

Selling clothes to pay for concert tickets. It's a dream. Goodbye piles of unworn clothing, hello new pornographers. Other things people sell to pay for concert tickets: plasma. I just can never do that. needles in my arm? taking my plasma? When i'm already borderline anemic? No thanks.


Schnike Meisting Kiken Piker said...

i've been rejected several times because of low protein levels but still i think "donating" plasma is especially refreshing.

Emilee said...

Now, I don't know much, but wouldn't donating the plasm concentrate your blood a little more, so you wouldn't be anemic? Maybe that's an idea. Of course, the needles still get me. And the passing out. Clothes is a much better idea.