Nov 29, 2006


Things I don't like about winter:
-sore elbows (from wearing long sleeved sweaters and then resting my arms on a desk all day)
-freezing arms (from wearing short sleeves to avoid sore elbows)
-dry skin
-white skin
-dirty dirty car
-constantly cold feet/hands
-nearly constant headlight use
-scraping ice from my car every morning (actually I kind of like the scraping, I just hate me getting covered in snow in the process. that settles into my clothes and makes me soaking wet by American Fork. I hate that.)
-no leaves on the trees

Things I like about winter:
-the music
-the smells
-the decorating
-appreciating warmth
-seeing more of my family
-sliding on icy sidewalks
-snow (especially: the flurries that look like all the flakes are just flying around for fun and have no intention of ever hitting the ground; eating it; walking through it in boots; how light it makes it seem at night; the smell of it)
-katriarch season
-watching my amaryllis grow
-gift making and giving


hanner said...

A really good lotion to use for that dry skin of yours is Curel. Seriously, I'm such a huge fan.

megan said...

How can you like sliding on icy sidewalks? I have to hold Hannah's hand (and sometimes awkwardly grab on to strangers) so I don't cry from fright.