Mar 23, 2007

I'm sawry Anne, what else can I do?

I would like to formally apologize to every friend, sibling, date (prom or otherwise), roommate, boyfriend, parent of children I'm babysitting, party guest, cousin, etc. that I have fallen asleep in front of. Mostly I fall asleep 10 minutes into any movie, no matter the setting. But also just conversation or Sega or SNL or life will put me to sleep. I guess this really bothers people sometimes and I'd never really thought about how this made anyone else feel until some recent complaints were filed with me. Veronica says it's because "I'm the glue" and that's the nicest part of any complaint I've ever heard and probably not true. I guess people feel abandoned or unimportant or just really alone when the person next to them is asleep. I never meant you to feel this way. Unless I did. But probably I didn't. At any rate, I apologize. I won't promise I won't do it again because it seems i'm incapable of going to bed at night without falling asleep at least one other place first.
Actually, while I'm at it, I might as well apologize for anything else I've ever done that might warrant an apology. Sorry.


hanner said...

Look, you don't need to apologize. From one public sleeper to another, it's hard being the narcoleptic.

megan said...

I forgive you for falling asleep at Stranger Than Fiction. Even though I had no one to laugh with.