Apr 24, 2009

kinda wrong, kinda right

I got rid of 12 pairs of shoes yesterday. I'll probably never notice.
I single-handedly supplied items for 10 centerpieces at a dinner yesterday.
I just bought Vitaminwater as my 'special treat' at the store.
I plan on staying up until I read (thoroughly) all 3 of the US Weekly magazines sitting next to me.
I went into American Apparel today.
I study this one picture of Paris Hilton every morning before I do my hair, for inspiration.
I haven't started packing and I move in 6-7 days.


emily said...

do you happen to read newsweek...?

kate said...

no...should I? Did someone write this EXACT article? Did Paris Hilton write this EXACT article??

Anna said...

Where are you moving?

Veronica said...

I kinda don't want you to move. I can't even picture you living somewhere else even though I have lived with you somewhere else.

Unknown said...

wait, you're moving? why would you do this to you?

Anonymous said...

Um where are you going?

PS- I have the same problem with my nails.