Sep 14, 2006

hello. i totally paused.

Dangerous things I've done while driving my manual transmission car (in no particular order of dangerosity and with no exaggeration):

-eat bowls of cereal, oatmeal, ice cream
-tweeze eyebrow hairs
-text message
-read a book
-eat frozen yogurt (in a cup, with a spoon)
-talking on the phone to my sisters
-check an email on my laptop (for directions)
-write shopping lists, birthday cards, etc.
-taking and sending pictures with my phone

I also drive in the carpool lane. I don't know how this happened. Commuting 90 miles a day for a year, maybe? I start thinking I own the roads.

1 comment:

hanner said...

Do you drive stick, too? Then I wouldn't find it dangerous; rather, I'd be totally impressed.