or danced like this in it:
May 30, 2008
May 29, 2008
thank heaven for huntsmans
There are some things I will just probably never do in my life. I will probably never stay here. I will probably never have 225 million dollars. I will probably never live in Sweden. In fact, of all the things in the world, I'm going to do a very very minuscule number of them. But I am really glad that they are being done. We can't all do everything, you know? So I'm really glad that other people are around to do all the things that I will never do. Like open bakeries and become surgeons and travel the world and run marathons and be janitors and make their own furniture. I'm especially grateful for people who do things (teenie or huge) that benefit others more than themselves, I wish I had the resources and the goodness of heart to do those types of things all day every day but I just don't. I guess my point is just that we need other people. And we should be glad for them. I can stare at basically any item and list hundreds and hundreds of people that had a part in creating it. I was doing that today with an IV line/rack/thing. So, there's the guy that invented the IV line and the stand it hangs on and the tubing and the needle, the people that know how to put one into an arm, the people that fix them when they break, the people that bring it into your hospital room for you, the people that clean the floor it slides across, the people that installed that floor, the people that made that floor, the people that built the building and machines that floor was made in, etc. People are a very good thing.
May 28, 2008
May 27, 2008
so far, so yes
Twilight Concert Series 2008
July 10
The Roots
July 17
Andrew Bird
Josh Ritter
July 24
De La Soul
July 31
Keller Williams
Yonder Mountain String Band
August 7
Nada Surf
Tim Fite
August 14
August 21
Broken Social Scene
August 28
Neko Case
Crooked Fingers
The Roots
July 17
Andrew Bird
Josh Ritter
July 24
De La Soul
July 31
Keller Williams
Yonder Mountain String Band
August 7
Nada Surf
Tim Fite
August 14
August 21
Broken Social Scene
August 28
Neko Case
Crooked Fingers
May 23, 2008
here's hoping a 4-day-heatwave hits pinedale, wy in about 5 hours
and it stops snowing long enough for us to do a bit of this:

May 22, 2008
big mistake, deanna. big mistake.

who in the world would not keep this guy around? at least past night 1? whatever. and yes, i'm hoping by posting this that he'll find it when searching for his name (patrick c. bachelorette season 4) and then be so flattered that he flies me to chicago just to take me to dinner. and dance for me. and maybe kiss me.
May 16, 2008
in the meantime i've got it hard
I was just trying to explain to carrie that I wanted 'you know, a private place to just lay there and read or like do pilates outside or talk or just whatever I want. But it's outside, but it's private.' Yeah. It's been so long since I've had a yard that I didn't even know what to call it. And no, I'd prolly never do pilates outside. But doesn't it sound nice right now? If you had those personal stands/mats like on the videos? And those perfectly colored outfits? And their bodies?
the government gave/whatever me $600 today. so i pre-ordered this book.
I know, I won't get it till October but that's half the fun. And I know it's only $14 but it felt frivolous. And I know that song won't actually play every time I look at it but it will in my head.
this map is making 3.1 miles look really really long

I guess I just run 5k's every Saturday now. Tomorrow is Running With Angels. Last week was Race for the Cure. I cried for a solid 3 miles. No one told me that I'd be running with thousands of people and they'd all have signs on their backs personifying cancer. (I run in Memory/Celebration of: My Mom, My sister Susan, My best friend Kelly, etc.) And multiple names weren't uncommon. And children weren't uncommon. I don't think I need to explain why that would provoke tears.
May 15, 2008
reckless + safe = everyone's favorite combination. blah.
i'm sick of people that just keep being the same and that same is cowardly. make some decisions. commit to something. if you commit to something, then you are automatically dis-committed from other things. and you have some purpose. and some direction. and you're doing something. and then you can have some amount of clarity to know what to do next. (i'm not sure where all my demanding insight is coming from lately but it applies to me as much as anyone.)
May 13, 2008
clap your hands
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. (probably, sadly, because of the lack of internet at the homestead.) And. I think. That. People should be happier. It just kind of makes me feel sick how often I am unhappy or I don't even realize when I am happy or I just see people around me that aren't happy. I just believe that we are supposed to be happy for most of our lives. I don't think we should take the easy, lazy way out of everything. (That wouldn't make us happy anyway.) But I do think that we are allowed to do whatever is in our power to make our lives happier. And we should not feel guilty about having happiness be our motivation for doing things. (Obviously I'm assuming the things that will make us happy will not cause someone else unhappiness.) It's just that this is our life. It's not like we're waiting for our real life. This is it. Me typing this out to post it on the internet (which i still don't understand) is my life. It just is. And it only lasts so long. And I'm doing what I'm doing with it. Sometimes I don't even know what would make me happy. It's okay to not always be happy. But in general, people are meant to be happy. And, in my experience, it takes just about the same amount of energy to be happy as it does to be unhappy. So that's just a waste.
May 11, 2008
May 9, 2008
come back, linksys
I'm sorry if I've been distant but the wireless network I've been using at home disappeared last weekend. So, I'm kind of without. (Unless I sit outside Struck in my car and/or go to a park nearby an appt. building. Not like I've tried either of those but just like, if I did, I bet I could get a pretty solid signal.) Anyway, I've been trying to make up for it today but it's hard because most of my blah-ing brilliance comes after midnight.
who taught my mom how to text? OR once a wolf, always a wolf
This has been going on for some time, my parents texting me. But never is it as excessive as it's been during the last week of little J's intense playoff games:
5/8/08 from 7:33 pm - 9:58 pm
- GV 1 run homer. Darren single. J single. Brett caught fly. Marc homer. Mikey double. Schulte double. Josh out. Corey out. 4-1 wolves.
- Brady out. Darren single. J single. Brett single. Marc up. Pitching change. Ace comes out. Mikey single. Mike single. Josh single. Corey k. Cody pop up. Top of 3. 9-1 wolves.
- GV hits. And walks. 4-9 with 1 out. Pitching change. Blake on mound. 5-9. Grand slam. Tied. 2 outs. 3 outs, finally.
- Darren out at 1. J single. Brett Single. J scores. Marc single. Mikey single. Brett scores. Mike flies out. Mikey out in pickle. 12-9.
- GV up. Triple. Darren in to pitch. Double. Out. Fly out. Double. 11-12. Out.
- Bottom of 4. Josh flies out. Corey k. Cody k.
- Single. Double. Homer. 14-12. Out at 1. Double. Mikey in to pitch. K. Caught fly.
- Darren out at 1. J double. Brett single. Marc single. MIkey fielder's choice. Mike. Brett steals home. Mikey k.
(mom's off to hospital. liz takes over.)
- ross pops out. number 4 (no idea who he is) strikes out. 15 triples on an error. Parke out at first. no runs. still tied 14-14.
- Romero catches his third ball in 6 inning in center field for 3 outs.
- Top 7: Feher pegs one and walks one. One gets out. Big hit double in hole. 2 runs. An out at first. 2 more walk. New pitcher. J catches fly. 16-14 GV.
- Bottom 7: J gets pegged. Wellman gets walked. New pitcher. Big hitter Romero up.
- Deep deep hit to center. And it's...caught. Two runners. Feher hits a runner in with a single. Next schulte is out at first but advances the runners. Ross is up. One strike. One ball. Pops a foul ball and it's caught. Game over. 15-16 GV.
-Game tomorrow at 1 at eldorado. Our opponent: Green Valley. I'm so sick of them.
I'd be surprised if any of you made it through that. I can't believe I typed out all of those texts. But yes, I know who all those boys are. And yes, I've been completely glued to my phone during these games. And completely bummed that they're over. They played Green Valley for the 3rd day in a row today. And they lost. It's really sad for me. The Dirty Dozen deserved a better end. (there really are only 12 on their team. And most of them have been together since Little League days. It's just so endearing.) And it just had to be Green Valley. Gag. I am so sick of them. Anyway, I hope the Wolves all recover in time to properly enjoy Senior Prom tomorrow night.
5/8/08 from 7:33 pm - 9:58 pm
- GV 1 run homer. Darren single. J single. Brett caught fly. Marc homer. Mikey double. Schulte double. Josh out. Corey out. 4-1 wolves.
- Brady out. Darren single. J single. Brett single. Marc up. Pitching change. Ace comes out. Mikey single. Mike single. Josh single. Corey k. Cody pop up. Top of 3. 9-1 wolves.
- GV hits. And walks. 4-9 with 1 out. Pitching change. Blake on mound. 5-9. Grand slam. Tied. 2 outs. 3 outs, finally.
- Darren out at 1. J single. Brett Single. J scores. Marc single. Mikey single. Brett scores. Mike flies out. Mikey out in pickle. 12-9.
- GV up. Triple. Darren in to pitch. Double. Out. Fly out. Double. 11-12. Out.
- Bottom of 4. Josh flies out. Corey k. Cody k.
- Single. Double. Homer. 14-12. Out at 1. Double. Mikey in to pitch. K. Caught fly.
- Darren out at 1. J double. Brett single. Marc single. MIkey fielder's choice. Mike. Brett steals home. Mikey k.
(mom's off to hospital. liz takes over.)
- ross pops out. number 4 (no idea who he is) strikes out. 15 triples on an error. Parke out at first. no runs. still tied 14-14.
- Romero catches his third ball in 6 inning in center field for 3 outs.
- Top 7: Feher pegs one and walks one. One gets out. Big hit double in hole. 2 runs. An out at first. 2 more walk. New pitcher. J catches fly. 16-14 GV.
- Bottom 7: J gets pegged. Wellman gets walked. New pitcher. Big hitter Romero up.
- Deep deep hit to center. And it's...caught. Two runners. Feher hits a runner in with a single. Next schulte is out at first but advances the runners. Ross is up. One strike. One ball. Pops a foul ball and it's caught. Game over. 15-16 GV.
-Game tomorrow at 1 at eldorado. Our opponent: Green Valley. I'm so sick of them.
I'd be surprised if any of you made it through that. I can't believe I typed out all of those texts. But yes, I know who all those boys are. And yes, I've been completely glued to my phone during these games. And completely bummed that they're over. They played Green Valley for the 3rd day in a row today. And they lost. It's really sad for me. The Dirty Dozen deserved a better end. (there really are only 12 on their team. And most of them have been together since Little League days. It's just so endearing.) And it just had to be Green Valley. Gag. I am so sick of them. Anyway, I hope the Wolves all recover in time to properly enjoy Senior Prom tomorrow night.
heartache to heartache we stand
in case you are wondering—
this is how i feel about getting real mail:

especially when this is the mail:

and this is my new favorite shirt:

May 8, 2008
everybody loves carrie
it'd been too long since we'd had a party on E street. and it was carrie's birthday. and the BEES were in town. seemed like the stars couldn't be more perfectly aligned. and then it started raining. and raining. and raining. weird, right? since it's may 7? and it was like 77 degrees yesterday? yeah, i thought so too. so we bagged the game (no one likes soggy bees) and just made up for it in thai food. followed by lots and lots of sugary treats. i think having my house full of people that i like and care about and them having a good time is in like the 93rd percentile of things that make me happy. here are some pictures.
breanne kept getting herself in weird situations:

it was rory's birthday too (obviously). look at him. pay attention to him:

just mingling. it comes naturally:

we never do this when you leave:

the reason for the season:

sugar! (sometimes i almost feel guilty for facilitating this type of eating for all my friends. but only for like 1 second. and then i'm like sugar! again.)

ohhhh. cute! birthday babies:

and then carrie and i polished off any remant of any sugar while staying up way too late and boggling our minds. (how is it fair that the prime of our body is like a 1/3 through our life? and not at least 1/2? what do you mean we've ALWAYS existed? how many babies can i have if i start having them RIGHT NOW? etc. etc. etc.) (this is just what happens to us when it's 3+am and we've been downing sugar in all forms for the last 6 hours. it's like time-release drugs or something. the hyper just keeps coming. too much information? sorry. just kidding i'm not.)
breanne kept getting herself in weird situations:
it was rory's birthday too (obviously). look at him. pay attention to him:
just mingling. it comes naturally:
we never do this when you leave:
the reason for the season:
sugar! (sometimes i almost feel guilty for facilitating this type of eating for all my friends. but only for like 1 second. and then i'm like sugar! again.)
ohhhh. cute! birthday babies:
and then carrie and i polished off any remant of any sugar while staying up way too late and boggling our minds. (how is it fair that the prime of our body is like a 1/3 through our life? and not at least 1/2? what do you mean we've ALWAYS existed? how many babies can i have if i start having them RIGHT NOW? etc. etc. etc.) (this is just what happens to us when it's 3+am and we've been downing sugar in all forms for the last 6 hours. it's like time-release drugs or something. the hyper just keeps coming. too much information? sorry. just kidding i'm not.)
May 7, 2008
May 6, 2008
hey one leggy

i kind of feel like i need to confess to the world that i'm wearing leggings today. black leggings. i mean, i wear them every day while sleeping and whenever possible from 6:15pm-7:45am. but in general, in public, they aren't that cool. especially here in utah? they are just so wrong, so often. you know? but it's just the only way i could wear that^ really cute dress shirt thing.
the only thing missing was a kiss. why didn't he just kiss her?
matt did a good job of describing a kind of indescribable night. probably the only thing that could have salvaged my rough rough friday. i laughed hard. i cried hard. (are you seriously judging me? have you listened to them sing? live?) i almost thought they'd never stop playing. and i would have been fine with that. except that the later it got, the more my 8 block walk back to my car (passed the Trapp Door) was making me nervous. anyway, it was great. the depot is great. he was great. she was great. everyone was great great.
May 5, 2008
i'm serious.
does anyone know where to get cotton candy making supplies? in the next 2 days? in the greater salt lake area?
May 2, 2008
look how cute my sister is

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