Jan 22, 2013

Five Months

She's been to 10 states with us already. (not counting the ones we flew over) She was a champ on every flight and only had a few meltdowns in the faces of her relatives. She's basically crawling. She has a raspy laugh/howl thing going. We gave her some real food and she can't get enough of it. She's fun to play with. She spends most of her day being frustrated about something being just out of her grasp. I love watching her focus on something and try to get it/do it/etc.
This girl's the best.


heather said...

3rd picture down! winner!! she is the best.

lissa said...

heather took my exact comment. THANKS A LOT, HEATHER!

Liz said...

I miss her too much! She's got such a happy face

Siouxzy said...

Nice socks gwenie!