Jul 19, 2007

i seriously just did this

i'm in that dangerous denial stage of packing. where i think i don't have very much stuff. and i don't really need to pack. cuz i'm soo organized. but i've been told by many sources that i have more stuff than anyone they know. but i swear that can't be true. where is it? it all just fits nicely in any house i live in? and i forget all about the magnitude of it? every time? maybe this time i'll not do that, but be really truly packed and ready. eh, i'll be fine.

and—i try really hard to not keep things i don't need/use/etc. but what about the stuff that will just kill my kids? i mean, how am i supposed to know what they'll get a giant kick out of in 40 years? this is hard.


megan said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

adam said...

just keep it, your kids will get a kick out of all of it.

Bean said...

Bony Legs!!! I've been trying to remember what that book was for years now! Thanks for the reminder.

kate said...

so have i! i got stuck on 'skinny bones' and couldn't get that out of my head. finally i just called mom. she knew right away. of course she did.