Mar 4, 2009

seriously though, how hard is it to mail me a new debit card?

I'n not sure if it was the petty crime committed against me (petty may be my new favorite word) or just nothing at all that started it but, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about (un)fairness lately. And it's a pretty stupid idea because, you know, life actually isn't fair and all that, and it just leaves me feeling deflated and undoubtedly isn't helping my stomach. I find myself thinking ridiculous thoughts about the universe being completely aware of how I'm feeling and adjusting itself accordingly. It's just never a good idea to start thinking I deserve certain things to happen in some certain way. And I just hate how this mood turns things I sincerely enjoy into bothersome, daunting tasks (those plants need water AGAIN??). I guess I'm just tryna blog it out, you know, and not think about how disgusting the ginger cookies I just made are or that I just missed the premiere of America's Next Top Model.

1 comment:

bec said...

but now you know to stick to mom's recipe and ANTM is better watched tomorrow laying in bed with bunny.